Florence Adooni

ra fra gospel, psychedelic funk & high life

Na onderdeel te zijn geweest van Guy One’s iconische Kologo Band brak de Ghanese singer-songwriter Florence Adooni wereldwijd door met haar eigen debuutsingle ‘Mam Pe’ela Su’ure’. Sindsdien hakt Adooni haar eigen plek uit binnen het circuit met haar betoverende mix van fra fra-gospel, psychedelische funk en high life, het eigentijdse antwoord op Ebo Taylor en Christy Azuma. Metropolis kan zich opmaken voor een warm bad van vederlichte grooves en Adooni’s expressieve hypnotiserende zang.

After being part of Guy One’s iconic Kologo Band, the Ghanaian singer-songwriter Florence Adooni gained worldwide acclaim with her debut single ‘Mam Pe’ela Su’ure’. Since then, Adooni has carved out her own place in the circuit with her mesmerizing mix of fra fra gospel, psychedelic funk and high life, the contemporary answer to Ebo Taylor and Christy Azuma. Metropolis can prepare itself for a warm bath of feather-light grooves and Adooni’s expressive hypnotic vocals.




“Florence Adooni has been revered as one of the leading vocalists in North Ghana for some time now but she’s also been pushing boundaries as one of the key contributors to the vibrant roots-fusion sounds that define Berlin’s Philophon imprint.” – Backseat Mafia